Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Cave Story


This was my first non NES sprite. It's Balrog from the excellent game Doukutsu Monogatari, AKA Cave Story. More information about the game is at this site, I suggest you go play it if you haven't yet!

33 x 22, 1 cm



Unknown said...

Wow, I was looking up 'Cave Story Sprites' in Google images and came across this.
You know, I think I'd die for a Balrog T-shirt.

Anonymous said...

That is really neat, I would definitely buy that. You see, I was actually looking for a cave story t shirt when I came across this.

Unknown said...

Augh, this isn't for sale??? I just came across this randomly, too, but when I saw that shirt I totally would have bought one for my boyfriend. Balrog is his favorite Cave Story character! Huzzah!

Johannes Krauser II said...

Hahahahaaha Huzzah!
Nice work mate!